
The following metrics are currently available on demcompare:

  • mean

  • max

  • min

  • std (Standard Deviation)

  • rmse (Root Mean Squared Error)

  • median

  • nmad (Normalized Median Absolute Deviation) = 1.486*median(\lvert data - median(data)\rvert)

  • sum

  • squared_sum

  • percentil_90


The metrics are always computed on valid pixels. Valid pixels are those whose value is different than NaN and the nodata value (-32768 by default if not specified in the input configuration or in the input DEM).


Apart from only considering the valid pixels, the user may also specify the remove_outliers option in the input configuration. This option will also filter all DEM pixels outside (mu + 3 sigma) and (mu - 3 sigma), being mu the mean and sigma the standard deviation of all valid pixels in the DEM.


'ratio_above_threshold' and 'slope-orientation-histogram' are not computed by default. They must be indicated in the configuration file in order to be used. An example on how to include them in the configuration is shown below.


'slope-orientation-histogram' should have the 'output_plot_path' parameter specified, otherwise the plot will not be saved. An example on how to include it in the configuration is shown below.


More informations about the hillshade and the sky-view factor can be found in Hillshade and sky-view factor representations.

    "output_dir": "./test_output/",
    "input_ref": {
        "path": "./Gironde.tif",
        "nodata": -9999.0
    "input_sec": {
        "path": "./FinalWaveBathymetry_T30TXR_20200622T105631_D_MSL_invert.TIF",
        "nodata": -32768
    "statistics": {
        "alti-diff": {
            "remove_outliers": "True",
            "metrics": ["mean", {"ratio_above_threshold": {"elevation_threshold": [1, 2, 3]}}]
        "ref": {
            "remove_outliers": "True",
            "metrics": [
                    "slope-orientation-histogram": {
                        "output_plot_path": "path_to_plot"


'slope-orientation-histogram'’s plots are not saved in the report.


The combination of DEM processing methods and metrics may not be meaningful!

See also: