Statistics outputs

Output files and their required parameters

The images and files saved with the statistics option activated on the configuration :




DEM on which the statistics have been computed

ref and sec_rectified_support_map.tif

Stored on each classification layer folder, the rectified support maps
where each pixel has a class value.

stats_results.csv and .json

Stored on each classification layer folder,
the CSV and Json files storing the computed statistics by class.

stats_results_intersection.csv and .json

Stored on each classification layer folder, the CSV and Json files
storing the computed statistics by class in mode intersection.

stats_results_exclusion.csv and .json

Stored on each classification layer folder, the CSV and Json files
storing the computed statistics by class in mode exclusion.

Output directories

With the command line execution, the following statistics directories that may store the respective files will be automatically generated.

One output directory per DEM processing method is created:

+-- stats
    +-- *dem_processing_method*
        +-- dem_for_stats.tif
        +-- *classification_layer_name*
            +-- stats_results.json/csv
            +-- stats_results_intersection.json/csv
            +-- stats_results_exclusion.json/csv
            +-- ref_rectified_support_map.tif
            +-- sec_rectified_support_map.tif


Please notice that even if no classification layer has been specified, the results will be stored in a folder called global, as it is the classification layer that is always computed and only considers all valid pixels.


Please notice that some data may be missing if it has not been computed for the classification layer (ie. intersection maps are only computed under certain conditions The modes).