New DEM processing method implementation

Demcompare’s architecture allows to easily implement a new DEM processing method computation.

To do so, a new class has to be implemented within demcompare/dem_processing/ file, according to the new DEM processing method’s structure (see Stats module).

Basic DEM processing method structure and functions

The new DEM processing method class inherits from the DemProcessingTemplate class and must implement the process_dem function. This function takes two xr.Dataset as an entry and performs the corresponding DEM processing computation on the datasets. The output should be a xr.Dataset.

One may also implement the __init__ function of the new DEM Processing class, mostly if this DEM Processing contains class attributes.

Hence, a basic NewDemProcessingClass would be implemented with the following structure :

class NewDemProcessingClass(DemProcessingTemplate):

    # Optional, only needed if the DEM processing object has its own parameters
    def __init__(self, parameters: Dict = None):
        Initialization the DEM Processing object

        :param parameters: optional input parameters
        :type parameters: dict
        :return: None

    def process_dem(
        dem_1: xr.Dataset,
        dem_2: xr.Dataset,
    ) -> xr.Dataset: