Developer Install

This package can be installed through the following commands:

git clone
cd demcompare
make install
source venv/bin/activate # to go in installed dev environment

Dependencies : git, make

The Makefile wrapper helps to install development environment and give the developer the commands to do a manual installation. By default, a python virtualenv is automatically created with the make install command.

Please run make help command to see all the available commands.

It is also possible to change the virtualenv directory:

git clone
cd demcompare
VENV="other-venv-directory" make install
source venv/bin/activate # to go in installed dev environment


Use make clean command to redo the install when environment state is undefined.

Sample execution from source

Getting started example from source code of a basic DEM coregistration + statistics execution with the sample images and input configuration available on demcompare :

cd data_samples # considering demcompare command is available (see above)
demcompare sample_config.json # run demcompare example