Source code for demcompare.stats_processing

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Mainly contains the StatsProcessing class
for stats computation of an input dem

# Standard imports
import copy
import logging
import os
import traceback
from typing import Dict, List, Union

# Third party imports
import xarray as xr

from demcompare.classification_layer import (
from demcompare.metric import Metric

from .internal_typing import ConfigType
from .stats_dataset import StatsDataset

[docs] class StatsProcessing: """ StatsProcessing class """ # Default parameters in case they are not specified in the cfg # Default global layer
[docs] _DEFAULT_GLOBAL_LAYER_NAME = "global"
[docs] _DEFAULT_GLOBAL_LAYER = { "type": "global", }
# Remove outliers option
[docs] _REMOVE_OUTLIERS = False
# Default metrics if none in cfg are specified
[docs] _DEFAULT_METRICS = { "metrics": [ "mean", "median", "max", "min", "sum", {"percentil_90": {"remove_outliers": False}}, "squared_sum", "nmad", "rmse", "std", ] }
# Initialization def __init__( self, cfg: Dict, dem: xr.Dataset = None, dem_processing_method: str = None, ): """ Initialization of a StatsProcessing object :param cfg: cfg :type cfg: Dict :param dem: dem :type dem: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, nb_classif) xr.DataArray float32 :param dem_processing_method: DEM processing method :type dem_processing_method: str :return: None """ # Cfg cfg = self.fill_conf(cfg) self.cfg: Dict = cfg # Output directory self.output_dir: Union[str, None] = self.cfg["output_dir"] if self.output_dir is not None: # create stats module output directory if given in configuration # if used in standalone, be sure that the path is absolute os.makedirs(cfg["output_dir"], exist_ok=True) # DEM processing method self.dem_processing_method = dem_processing_method # Remove outliers option self.remove_outliers: bool = self.cfg["remove_outliers"] # Input dem self.dem: xr.Dataset = dem # Classification layers self.classification_layers: List[ClassificationLayer] = [] # Classification layers names self.classification_layers_names: List[str] = [] # Initialise and test parameters for StatProcessing object if dem is None: # Create classification layers self._create_classif_layers() else: # Initialize StatsDataset object self.stats_dataset: StatsDataset = StatsDataset( self.dem["image"].data, self.dem_processing_method ) # Create classification layers self._create_classif_layers()
[docs] def fill_conf( self, cfg: ConfigType = None, ): # pylint:disable=too-many-branches """ Init Stats options from configuration :param cfg: Input demcompare configuration :type cfg: ConfigType """ # Initialize if cfg is not defined if cfg is None: cfg = {} # Initialize if classification_layers is not defined if "classification_layers" not in cfg: cfg["classification_layers"] = {} # Add default global layer cfg["classification_layers"][self._DEFAULT_GLOBAL_LAYER_NAME] = ( copy.deepcopy(self._DEFAULT_GLOBAL_LAYER) ) # If metrics have been specified, # add them to all classif layers if "metrics" in cfg: for _, classif_cfg in cfg["classification_layers"].items(): if "metrics" in classif_cfg: for new_metric in cfg["metrics"]: classif_cfg["metrics"].append(new_metric) else: classif_cfg["metrics"] = cfg["metrics"] # If no metrics have been specified on any level # for a classification layer, add the default metrics # according to the input dem type else: for _, classif_cfg in cfg["classification_layers"].items(): if "metrics" not in classif_cfg: classif_cfg.update(self._DEFAULT_METRICS) # Give the default value if the required element # is not in the configuration if "remove_outliers" not in cfg: cfg["remove_outliers"] = self._REMOVE_OUTLIERS if "output_dir" not in cfg: cfg["output_dir"] = None return cfg
[docs] def _create_classif_layers(self): """ Create the classification layer objects """ # Loop over cfg's classification_layers fusion_layers = [] if "classification_layers" in self.cfg: for name, clayer in self.cfg["classification_layers"].items(): # Fusion layer must be created once all # classifications are created if clayer["type"] == "fusion": fusion_layers.append(name) continue try: # Set output_dir on the classif # layer's cfg clayer["output_dir"] = self.output_dir # If outliers handling has not been specified # on the classification layer cfg, # add the global statistics one if "remove_outliers" not in clayer: clayer["remove_outliers"] = self.remove_outliers # Create ClassificationLayer object self.classification_layers.append( ClassificationLayer( name, clayer["type"], clayer, self.dem, ) ) self.classification_layers_names.append(name) except ValueError as error: traceback.print_exc() logging.error( ( "Cannot create classification_layer" " for %s:%s -> %s", clayer["name"], clayer, error, ) ) # Compute fusion layer if specified in the conf # Fusion layers specify its support on the input cfg for fusion_name in fusion_layers: # Copy to suppress the metrics information tmp_fusion_cfg = copy.deepcopy( self.cfg["classification_layers"][fusion_name] ) # Supress type parameter from the dict tmp_fusion_cfg.pop("type") # Get fusion metrics if present in the conf fusion_metrics = None if "metrics" in tmp_fusion_cfg: fusion_metrics = tmp_fusion_cfg.pop("metrics") for support, classif_names in tmp_fusion_cfg.items(): # Add the layers to be fusionned from the conf layers_to_fusion = [] for name in classif_names: layers_to_fusion.append( self.classification_layers[ self.classification_layers_names.index(name) ] ) # Create fusion layer self.classification_layers.append( FusionClassificationLayer( # type:ignore layers_to_fusion, support, fusion_name, fusion_metrics, ) ) # Add fusion layer name on the classif_layers_names self.classification_layers_names.append( self.classification_layers[-1].name ) logging.debug("List of classification layers:") for classif in self.classification_layers: logging.debug(" - %s",
[docs] def compute_stats( self, classification_layer: List[str] = None, metrics: List[Union[dict, str]] = None, ) -> StatsDataset: """ Compute DEM stats If no classification layer is given, all classification layers are considered If no metrics are given, all metrics are considered :param classification_layer: names of the layers :type classification_layer: List[str] :param metrics: List of metrics to be computed :type metrics: List[Union[dict, str]] :return: stats dataset :rtype: StatsDataset """ # Select input classification layers selected_classif_layers = [] if classification_layer: for name in classification_layer: idx = self.classification_layers_names.index(name) selected_classif_layers.append(self.classification_layers[idx]) else: # If no classification layer is specified, select all layers selected_classif_layers = self.classification_layers # For each selected classification layer for classif in selected_classif_layers: # Compute and fill the corresponding # stats_dataset classification layer's xr.Dataset stats logging.debug( "Computing classification layer %s stats...", ) classif.compute_classif_stats( self.dem, self.stats_dataset, metrics=metrics ) return self.stats_dataset
[docs] def show_all_available_metrics() -> str: """ Return a string showing all available values :return: output_metrics :rtype: str """ available_metrics = list(Metric.available_metrics.keys()) output_metrics = f"{available_metrics}" return output_metrics
[docs] def show_available_classification_layers(self) -> list: return self.classification_layers_names