Source code for demcompare

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint:disable=too-many-branches
Demcompare init module file.
Demcompare aims at coregistering and comparing two Digital Elevation Models(DEM)

# Standard imports
import logging
import logging.config
import os
from importlib.metadata import version
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

# Third party imports
import xarray as xr

# Demcompare imports
from . import log_conf, report
from .coregistration import Coregistration
from .dem_processing import DemProcessing
from .dem_tools import (
from .helpers_init import (
from .internal_typing import ConfigType
from .stats_dataset import StatsDataset
from .stats_processing import StatsProcessing

# VERSION through setuptools_scm when python3 > 3.8
[docs] __version__ = version("demcompare")
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except __version__ = "unknown"
[docs] __author__ = "CNES"
[docs] __email__ = ""
[docs] def run( json_file_path: str, loglevel: int = logging.WARNING, ): """ Demcompare RUN execution. :param json_file_path: Input Json configuration file :type json_file: str :param loglevel: Choose Loglevel (default: WARNING) :type loglevel: int """ # Initialization # Get cfg from json file, checking inputs cfg = compute_initialization(json_file_path) # Create output_dir from updated absolute path os.makedirs(cfg["output_dir"], exist_ok=True) # Logging configuration log_conf.setup_logging(default_level=loglevel) # Add output logging file log_conf.add_log_file(cfg["output_dir"])"*** Demcompare ***")"Output directory: %s", cfg["output_dir"]) # Save initial config # with inputs absolute paths into output_dir save_config_file( os.path.join(cfg["output_dir"], os.path.basename(json_file_path)), cfg ) logging.debug("Demcompare configuration: %s", cfg) # Get input ref and input sec dem datasets from cfg input_ref, input_sec = load_input_dems(cfg)"Input Reference DEM (REF): %s", input_ref.input_img) # if two references, show input secondary DEM if input_sec:"Input Secondary DEM (SEC): %s", input_sec.input_img) # Create list of datasets stats_datasets: List[StatsDataset] = [] # If coregistration step is present if "coregistration" in cfg: # update cfg coregistration output (created in coreg sub pipeline) cfg["coregistration"]["output_dir"] = os.path.join( cfg["output_dir"], "coregistration" ) # Do coregistration and obtain initial # and final intermediate dems for stats computation ( input_stats_sec, input_stats_ref, ) = run_coregistration(cfg["coregistration"], input_ref, input_sec) else: # If input_sec is not None, reproject DEMs if input_sec: input_stats_sec, input_stats_ref, _ = reproject_dems( input_sec, input_ref, sampling_source=( cfg["sampling_source"] if "sampling_source" in cfg else None ), ) # If input_sec is None, input_stats_sec=None else: input_stats_ref, input_stats_sec = input_ref, None # If only stats is present if "statistics" in cfg:"[Stats]")"Altimetric stats generation") # Loop over the DEM processing methods in cfg["statistics"] for dem_processing_method in cfg["statistics"]: # create directory for dem processing method stats os.makedirs( cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method]["output_dir"], exist_ok=True, ) # Create a DEM processing object for each DEM processing method dem_processing_object = DemProcessing(dem_processing_method) # Obtain output paths for initial dem diff without coreg ( dem_path, plot_file_path, plot_path_cdf, csv_path_cdf, plot_path_pdf, csv_path_pdf, plot_path_svf, plot_path_hillshade, ) = get_output_files_paths( cfg["output_dir"], dem_processing_method, "dem_for_stats" ) # Compute slope and add it as a classification_layer # in case a classification of type slope is required # The ref is considered the main classification, # the slope of the sec dem will be used for the # intersection-exclusion input_stats_ref = compute_dem_slope(input_stats_ref) if input_stats_sec: input_stats_sec = compute_dem_slope(input_stats_sec) # If defined, verify fusion layers according to the cfg if ( "classification_layer" in cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method] ): if ( "fusion" in cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method][ "classification_layers" ] ): verify_fusion_layers( input_stats_ref, cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method][ "classification_layers" ], support="ref", ) if input_stats_sec: verify_fusion_layers( input_stats_sec, cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method][ "classification_layers" ], support="sec", )" Dem processing: %s ", dem_processing_object.type) stats_dem = dem_processing_object.process_dem( input_stats_ref, input_stats_sec ) # Save stats_dem for two states save_dem(stats_dem, dem_path) # Compute and save initial altitude diff image plots compute_and_save_image_plots( stats_dem, plot_file_path, fig_title=dem_processing_object.fig_title, colorbar_title=dem_processing_object.colorbar_title, cmap=dem_processing_object.cmap, vmin_plot=( cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method]["vmin_plot"] if "vmin_plot" in cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method] else None ), vmax_plot=( cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method]["vmax_plot"] if "vmax_plot" in cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method] else None ), ) # Create StatsComputation object stats_processing = StatsProcessing( cfg["statistics"][dem_processing_method], stats_dem, dem_processing_method=dem_processing_method, ) # For the initial_dh, compute cdf and pdf stats # on the global classification layer only (diff, pdf, cdf) plot_metrics = [ { "cdf": { "remove_outliers": cfg["statistics"][ dem_processing_method ]["remove_outliers"], "output_plot_path": plot_path_cdf, "output_csv_path": csv_path_cdf, } }, { "pdf": { "remove_outliers": cfg["statistics"][ dem_processing_method ]["remove_outliers"], "output_plot_path": plot_path_pdf, "output_csv_path": csv_path_pdf, } }, { "svf": { "remove_outliers": cfg["statistics"][ dem_processing_method ]["remove_outliers"], "plot_path": plot_path_svf, } }, { "hillshade": { "remove_outliers": cfg["statistics"][ dem_processing_method ]["remove_outliers"], "plot_path": plot_path_hillshade, } }, ] # generate intermediate stats results CDF and PDF for report stats_processing.compute_stats( classification_layer=["global"], metrics=plot_metrics, # type: ignore ) # Compute stats according to the input stats configuration stats_dataset = stats_processing.compute_stats() stats_datasets.append(stats_dataset) # Save full final config # with inputs absolute paths into output_dir save_config_file(os.path.join(cfg["output_dir"], "full_config.json"), cfg) # Generate report if statistics are computed (stats_dataset defined) # and report configuration is set if "report" in cfg and "statistics" in cfg:"[Report]") report.generate_report( cfg=cfg, stats_datasets=stats_datasets, )
[docs] def load_input_dems( cfg: ConfigType, ) -> Tuple[xr.Dataset, Union[None, xr.Dataset]]: """ Loads the input dems according to the input cfg :param cfg: input configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :return: input_ref and input_dem datasets or None :rtype: Tuple(xr.Dataset, xr.dataset) The xr.Datasets containing : - im : 2D (row, col) xarray.DataArray float32 - trans: 1D (trans_len) xarray.DataArray """ # Create input datasets ref = load_dem( cfg["input_ref"]["path"], nodata=( cfg["input_ref"]["nodata"] if "nodata" in cfg["input_ref"] else None ), geoid_georef=( cfg["input_ref"]["geoid_georef"] if "geoid_georef" in cfg["input_ref"] else False ), geoid_path=( cfg["input_ref"]["geoid_path"] if "geoid_path" in cfg["input_ref"] else None ), zunit=( cfg["input_ref"]["zunit"] if "zunit" in cfg["input_ref"] else "m" ), input_roi=( cfg["input_ref"]["roi"] if "roi" in cfg["input_ref"] else False ), classification_layers=( cfg["input_ref"]["classification_layers"] if "classification_layers" in cfg["input_ref"] else None ), ) if "input_sec" in cfg: sec = load_dem( cfg["input_sec"]["path"], nodata=( cfg["input_sec"]["nodata"] if "nodata" in cfg["input_sec"] else None ), geoid_georef=( cfg["input_sec"]["geoid_georef"] if "geoid_georef" in cfg["input_sec"] else False ), geoid_path=( cfg["input_sec"]["geoid_path"] if "geoid_path" in cfg["input_sec"] else None ), zunit=( cfg["input_sec"]["zunit"] if "zunit" in cfg["input_sec"] else "m" ), input_roi=( cfg["input_sec"]["roi"] if "roi" in cfg["input_sec"] else False ), classification_layers=( cfg["input_sec"]["classification_layers"] if "classification_layers" in cfg["input_sec"] else None ), ) else: sec = None return ref, sec
[docs] def run_coregistration( cfg: ConfigType, input_ref: xr.Dataset, input_sec: xr.Dataset ) -> Tuple[xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset]: """ Runs the dems coregistration :param cfg: coregistration configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :param input_ref: input ref :type input_ref: xr.DataSet containing : - im : 2D (row, col) xarray.DataArray float32 - trans: 1D (trans_len) xarray.DataArray :param input_sec: input dem :type input_sec: xr.DataSet containing : - im : 2D (row, col) xarray.DataArray float32 - trans: 1D (trans_len) xarray.DataArray :return: reproj_coreg_sec, reproj_coreg_ref :rtype: Tuple(xr.Dataset, xr.dataset) The xr.Datasets containing : - im : 2D (row, col) xarray.DataArray float32 - trans: 1D (trans_len) xarray.DataArray """"[Coregistration]") # Create coregistration object coregistration_ = Coregistration(cfg) # Compute coregistration to get applicable transformation object transformation = coregistration_.compute_coregistration( input_sec, input_ref ) # Apply coregistration offsets to the original DEM and store it # reprojection is also done. coreg_sec = transformation.apply_transform(input_sec) # Get coregistration_results dict coregistration_results = coregistration_.coregistration_results # Save the coregistered DEM (even without save_optional_outputs option) # - coreg_SEC.tif -> coregistered sec save_dem( coreg_sec, os.path.join(cfg["output_dir"], "./coreg_SEC.tif"), ) # Save coregistration_results save_config_file( os.path.join( cfg["output_dir"], "./coregistration_results.json", ), coregistration_results, ) # Get internal dems reproj_coreg_ref = coregistration_.reproj_coreg_ref reproj_coreg_sec = coregistration_.reproj_coreg_sec return ( reproj_coreg_sec, reproj_coreg_ref, )