Source code for demcompare.stats_dataset

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Mainly contains the StatsDataset class
contains the computed stats of a pair of DEMs
for the different classification layers

# Standard imports
import collections
import copy
import csv
import json
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .dem_processing import DemProcessing

[docs] class StatsDataset: """ StatsDataset class The StatsDataset class contains a list of one xr.dataset per classification layer Each xr.Dataset contains : :image: 2D (row, col) input image as xarray.DataArray, :image_by_class: 3D (row, col; nb_classes) xarray.DataArray containing the image pixels belonging to each class considering the valid pixels :image_by_class_intersection: 3D (row, col; nb_classes) xarray.DataArray containing the image pixels belonging to each class considering the intersection mode :image_by_class_exclusion: 3D (row, col; nb_classes) xarray.DataArray containing the image pixels belonging to each class considering the exclusion mode :attributes: - name : name of the classification_layer. str - stats_by_class : dictionary containing the stats per class considering the standard mode - stats_by_class_intersection : dictionary containing the stats per class considering the intersection mode - stats_by_class_exclusion : dictionary containing the stats per class considering the exclusion mode """ def __init__(self, image: np.ndarray, dem_processing_method: str = None): # Dictionary with the different classification layers # and the modes of each layer self.classif_layers_and_modes: Dict = {} # Image map self.image: np.ndarray = image # List of xr.Dataset for each classification layer self.classif_layers_dataset: List[xr.Dataset] = [] if dem_processing_method is not None: self.dem_processing: DemProcessing = DemProcessing( dem_processing_method )
[docs] def add_classif_layer_and_mode_stats( self, classif_name: str, input_stats: List[Dict], mode_name: str ): """ Add the stats of a classification layer and a mode to the corresponding xarray dataset :param classif_name: classification_layer name :type classif_name: str :param input_stats: input statistics :type input_stats: List[str] :mode_name: name of the mode (standard (no name), intersection, exclusion) :type mode_name: str :return: None """ # If no xr.Dataset exists for the classification layer, # create it, otherwise overload it ! if classif_name not in self.classif_layers_and_modes: # Store the classification layer name on the # classif_layers_and_modes dictionary self.classif_layers_and_modes[classif_name] = {} self.classif_layers_and_modes[classif_name]["modes"] = [] # Initialize the dataset new_dataset = xr.Dataset( {"image": (["row", "col"], self.image)}, coords={ "row": np.arange(self.image.shape[0]), "col": np.arange(self.image.shape[1]), }, ) # Add the name of the classification as an attribute new_dataset.attrs["name"] = classif_name # Add the created dataset to the classif_layers_dataset list self.classif_layers_dataset.append(new_dataset) # Image and stats indicator name if mode_name == "standard": image_indicator = "image_by_class" stats_indicator = "stats_by_class" else: image_indicator = "image_by_class_" + mode_name stats_indicator = "stats_by_class_" + mode_name # Add the mode of the corresponding classification layer on the # classif_layers_and_modes dictionary if doesn't exist in classif modes if ( mode_name not in self.classif_layers_and_modes[classif_name]["modes"] ): self.classif_layers_and_modes[classif_name]["modes"].append( mode_name ) # Get the classification corresponding dataset idx dataset_idx = list(self.classif_layers_and_modes.keys()).index( classif_name ) # Initialize the classification layer classes classes = list(np.arange(len(input_stats))) # Define coords, the third col is the indicator # with the number of classes coords_classification_layers = [ self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx].coords["row"], self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx].coords["col"], classes, ] # Initialize the image data by class # Each dataset has one xr.DataArray per mode indicating # the image by class image_maps = np.full( ( self.image.shape[0], self.image.shape[1], len(classes), ), np.nan, dtype=np.float32, ) # Initialize the stats_by_class + mode_name dictionary on # the dataset attrs if ( stats_indicator not in self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx].attrs ): self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx].attrs[stats_indicator] = {} # Iterate to obtain the stats per class # overwrite if mode/stat is already present for class_idx, class_stats in enumerate(input_stats): # Fill the alti diff of the corresponding class # with the input dz_values image_maps[:, :, class_idx] = class_stats["dz_values"] # Make a copy of the class_stats dictionary to make # temporal changes tmp_class_stats = copy.deepcopy(class_stats) # Pop the dz_values dictionary key to iterate over # the rest of metrics tmp_class_stats.pop("dz_values") # Scalar metrics are stored in attrs # of the dataset # Initialize the stats_by_class + mode_name + # class_idx dictionary if ( class_idx not in self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx].attrs[ stats_indicator ] ): self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx].attrs[stats_indicator][ class_idx ] = {} # Add each metric on the dictionary for stat_name, stat_value in tmp_class_stats.items(): self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx].attrs[stats_indicator][ class_idx ][stat_name] = stat_value # Create and add the xr.DataArray to the dataset # overload if already present (through dataset_idx above) self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx][image_indicator] = ( xr.DataArray( data=image_maps, coords=coords_classification_layers, dims=["row", "col", "classes"], ) )
[docs] def save_as_csv_and_json( self, classif_name: str, stats_dir: str, ): """ Saves the classification layer's results to csv and json files on the stats_dir :param classif_name: classification_layer name :type classif_name: str :param stats_dir: output stats directory :type stats_dir: str :return: None """ # Iterate over the classification modes for _, mode_name_item in enumerate( self.classif_layers_and_modes[classif_name]["modes"] ): # Get the dataset idx of the corresponding classification layer dataset_idx = list(self.classif_layers_and_modes.keys()).index( classif_name ) # Get the xr.Dataset classif_dataset = self.classif_layers_dataset[dataset_idx] # Indicator name of the image and stats by class map if mode_name_item == "standard": mode_name_item = "" else: mode_name_item = "_" + mode_name_item stats_dict = classif_dataset.attrs[ "stats_by_class" + mode_name_item ] scalar_metric_dict: collections.OrderedDict = ( collections.OrderedDict() ) # Add each class stats on the results dict for class_idx in list(stats_dict.keys()): scalar_metric_dict[class_idx] = {} scalar_metric_dict[class_idx]["Set Name"] = stats_dict[ class_idx ]["class_name"] # Save scalar metrics for metric_name, metric_stats in stats_dict[class_idx].items(): if isinstance(metric_stats, (float, int)): scalar_metric_dict[class_idx][ metric_name ] = metric_stats # Initialize the output json path mode_output_json_files = os.path.join( stats_dir, "stats_results" + mode_name_item + ".json" ) # Save the results dictionary on a json file with open(mode_output_json_files, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: json.dump(scalar_metric_dict, outfile, indent=4) # Save the results into a csv file # - create filename csv_filename = os.path.join( os.path.splitext(mode_output_json_files)[0] + ".csv" ) # - writes the results down as csv format with open(csv_filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as csvfile: fieldnames = list(scalar_metric_dict[0].keys()) writer = csv.DictWriter( csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC ) writer.writeheader() for set_item in scalar_metric_dict: writer.writerow(scalar_metric_dict[set_item])
[docs] def get_classification_layer_names(self): """ Returns the available classification layers :return: None """ return list(self.classif_layers_and_modes.keys())
[docs] def get_classification_layer_dataset( self, classification_layer: str ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Returns the xr.Dataset corresponding to the input classification layer name :param classification_layer: classification_layer name :type classification_layer: str :return: stats dictionary :rtype: xr.Dataset """ # Get the dataset index and return the corresponding dataset idx = list(self.classif_layers_and_modes.keys()).index( classification_layer # pylint:disable=consider-iterating-dictionary ) return self.classif_layers_dataset[idx]
[docs] def get_classification_layer_stats(self, classification_layer: str) -> Dict: """ Returns all the stats corresponding to the input classification layer name :param classification_layer: classification_layer name :type classification_layer: str :return: stats dictionary :rtype: Dict """ # Get the dataset index and return the corresponding dataset idx = list(self.classif_layers_and_modes.keys()).index( classification_layer # pylint:disable=consider-iterating-dictionary ) return self.classif_layers_dataset[idx].attrs
[docs] def get_classification_layer_metrics( self, classification_layer: str, ) -> List[str]: """ Returns the metric names available on the input classification layer and mode :param classification_layer: classification_layer name :type classification_layer: str :return: available metric names :rtype: List[str] """ # Get classification_layer dataset dataset = self.get_classification_layer_dataset(classification_layer) # Get available metric names output_metric_names = copy.deepcopy( list(dataset.attrs["stats_by_class"][0].keys()) ) # Delete class name as it is not a metric output_metric_names.pop(output_metric_names.index("class_name")) return output_metric_names
[docs] def get_classification_layer_metric( self, classification_layer: str, classif_class: int = None, mode: str = "", metric: str = None, ) -> Union[List, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray, float]: """ Returns the metric corresponding to the input classification layer and mode :param classification_layer: classification_layer name :type classification_layer: str :param classif_class: classification_layer class :type classif_class: int :param mode: mode (standard (no name), intersection, exclusion) :type mode: str :param metric: metric :type metric: str :return: metric :rtype: Union[List,Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray, float] """ # Get classification_layer dataset dataset = self.get_classification_layer_dataset(classification_layer) if mode in ("standard", ""): # Standard mode stats_indicator = "stats_by_class" else: stats_indicator = "stats_by_class_" + mode # If the class was specified, return the corresponding metric if isinstance(classif_class, int): output_metric = dataset.attrs[stats_indicator][classif_class][ metric ] # Otherwise, return a list with the metric for each class else: output_metric = [] # Iterate over the classes and add the metric # result of each class for _, metric_dict in dataset.attrs[stats_indicator].items(): output_metric.append(metric_dict[metric]) return output_metric