Source code for demcompare.dataset_tools

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains functions associated to Demcompare's DEM dataset

import copy

# Standard imports
import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import rasterio
import rasterio.mask
import rasterio.warp
import xarray as xr
from astropy import units as u
from rasterio import Affine
from rasterio.warp import Resampling, reproject
from scipy import interpolate

# Demcompare imports
from .img_tools import convert_pix_to_coord

[docs] def create_dataset( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-branches data: np.ndarray, transform: Union[np.ndarray, rasterio.Affine] = None, img_crs: Union[, None] = None, input_img: Union[str, None] = None, bounds: rasterio.coords.BoundingBox = None, nodata: float = None, geoid_path: Union[str, None] = None, plani_unit: u = None, zunit: str = "m", source_rasterio: Dict[str, rasterio.DatasetReader] = None, classification_layer_masks: Union[Dict, xr.DataArray] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Creates dataset from input array and transform, and return the corresponding xarray.DataSet. The demcompare dataset is an xarray Dataset containing: :image: 2D (row, col) image as xarray.DataArray, :georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xarray.DataArray with the parameters: - c: x-coordinate of the upper left pixel, - a: pixel size in the x-direction in map units/pixel, - b: rotation about x-axis, - f: y-coordinate of the upper left pixel, - d: rotation about y-axis, - e: pixel size in the y-direction in map units, negative :classification_layer_masks: 3D (row, col, indicator) xarray.DataArray: It contains the maps of all classification layers, being the indicator a list with each classification_layer name. :attributes: - nodata : image nodata value. float - input_img : image input path. str or None - crs : image crs. - xres : x resolution (value of transform[1]). float - yres : y resolution (value of transform[5]). float - plani_unit : georefence's planimetric unit. astropy.units - zunit : input image z unit value. astropy.units - bounds : image bounds. rasterio.coords.BoundingBox - geoid_path : geoid path. str or None - source_rasterio : rasterio's DatasetReader object or None. :param data: image data :type data: np.ndarray :param transform: rasterio georeferencing transformation matrix :type transform: np.ndarray or rasterio.Affine :param input_img: image path :type input_img: str :param bounds: dem bounds :type bounds: rasterio.coords.BoundingBox or None :param nodata: nodata value in the image :type nodata: float or None :param geoid_path: optional path to local geoid, default is EGM96 :type geoid_path: str or None :param zunit: unit :type zunit: str :param source_rasterio: rasterio dataset reader object :type source_rasterio: Dict[str,rasterio.DatasetReader] or None :param classification_layer_masks: classification layers :type classification_layer_masks: Dict, xr.DataArray or None :return: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :type data: xr.Dataset """ dataset = xr.Dataset( {"image": (["row", "col"], data.astype(np.float32))}, coords={ "row": np.arange(data.shape[0]), "col": np.arange(data.shape[1]), }, ) # Add classification layers if isinstance(classification_layer_masks, dict): # Define coords, the third col is the indicator # with the classification layer name coords_classification_layers = [ dataset.coords["row"], dataset.coords["col"], classification_layer_masks["names"], ] # Create the dataarray dataset["classification_layer_masks"] = xr.DataArray( data=classification_layer_masks["map_arrays"], coords=coords_classification_layers, dims=["row", "col", "indicator"], ) elif isinstance(classification_layer_masks, xr.DataArray): dataset["classification_layer_masks"] = classification_layer_masks # Add transform to dataset trans_len = np.arange(0, len(transform)) dataset.coords["trans_len"] = trans_len dataset["georef_transform"] = xr.DataArray( data=transform, dims=["trans_len"] ) # Add image attributes to the image dataset dataset.attrs = { "nodata": nodata, "input_img": input_img, "crs": img_crs, "xres": transform[1], "yres": transform[5], "plani_unit": plani_unit, "zunit": zunit, "bounds": bounds, "source_rasterio": source_rasterio, } # If the georef is geoid, add geoid offset to the data if geoid_path: # transform to ellipsoid geoid_offset = _get_geoid_offset(dataset, geoid_path) dataset["image"].data += geoid_offset dataset.attrs["geoid_path"] = geoid_path else: dataset.attrs["geoid_path"] = None return dataset
[docs] def reproject_dataset( dataset: xr.Dataset, from_dataset: xr.Dataset, interp: str = "bilinear" ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Reproject dataset on the from_dataset's georeference origin and grid, and return the corresponding xarray.DataSet. If no interp is given, default "bilinear" resampling is considered. Another available resampling is "nearest". :param dataset: Dataset to reproject xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :type dataset: xr.Dataset :param from_dataset: Dataset to get projection from xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :type from_dataset: xr.Dataset :param interp: interpolation method :type interp: str :return: reprojected xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :rtype: xr.Dataset """ # Define reprojected dataset reprojected_dataset = copy.copy(from_dataset) if "indicator" in reprojected_dataset.coords: reprojected_dataset = reprojected_dataset.drop_dims("indicator") interpolation_method = Resampling.bilinear if interp == "bilinear": interpolation_method = Resampling.bilinear elif interp == "nearest": interpolation_method = Resampling.nearest else: logging.warning( "Interpolation method not available, use default 'bilinear'" ) # Get source and destination transforms src_transform = Affine.from_gdal( dataset["georef_transform"].data[0], dataset["georef_transform"].data[1], dataset["georef_transform"].data[2], dataset["georef_transform"].data[3], dataset["georef_transform"].data[4], dataset["georef_transform"].data[5], ) dst_transform = Affine.from_gdal( from_dataset["georef_transform"].data[0], from_dataset["georef_transform"].data[1], from_dataset["georef_transform"].data[2], from_dataset["georef_transform"].data[3], from_dataset["georef_transform"].data[4], from_dataset["georef_transform"].data[5], ) # Get source array source_array = dataset["image"].data # Define dest_array with the output size and fill with nodata dest_array = np.zeros_like(from_dataset["image"].data) dest_array[:, :] = from_dataset.nodata # Obtain datasets CRSs src_crs =["crs"]) dst_crs =["crs"]) # Reproject with rasterio reproject( source=source_array, destination=dest_array, src_transform=src_transform, src_crs=src_crs, dst_transform=dst_transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=interpolation_method, src_nodata=dataset.attrs["nodata"], dst_nodata=from_dataset.attrs["nodata"], ) # Convert output dataset's remaining nodata values to nan dest_array[dest_array == dataset.attrs["nodata"]] = np.nan # Charge reprojected_dataset's data and nodata values reprojected_dataset["image"].data = dest_array reprojected_dataset.attrs["nodata"] = dataset.attrs["nodata"] if "indicator" in dataset.coords: indicator = ( dataset["classification_layer_masks"].coords["indicator"].data ) classification_layer_masks = np.full( ( reprojected_dataset["image"].shape[0], reprojected_dataset["image"].shape[1], len(indicator), ), np.nan, dtype=np.float32, ) for idx in np.arange(len(indicator)): # Define dest_array with the output size and fill with nodata dest_array_classif = np.zeros_like(from_dataset["image"].data) dest_array_classif[:, :] = dataset.nodata # Get source array source_array_classif = dataset["classification_layer_masks"][ :, :, idx ].data # Reproject with rasterio reproject( source=source_array_classif, destination=dest_array_classif, src_transform=src_transform, src_crs=src_crs, dst_transform=dst_transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=interpolation_method, src_nodata=dataset.attrs["nodata"], dst_nodata=from_dataset.attrs["nodata"], ) classification_layer_masks[ :, :, idx ].data = dest_array_classif # type: ignore # Define coords, the third col is the indicator # with the classification layer name coords_classification_layers = [ reprojected_dataset.coords["row"], reprojected_dataset.coords["col"], indicator, ] # Create the dataarray reprojected_dataset["classification_layer_masks"] = xr.DataArray( data=classification_layer_masks, coords=coords_classification_layers, dims=["row", "col", "indicator"], ) return reprojected_dataset
[docs] def compute_offset_adapting_factor( sec: xr.Dataset, ref: xr.Dataset ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Compute the factor to adapt the coregistration offsets to the dem resolution The name is too generic to know the usage quickly. Is the function in dem_tools or here ? :param sec: sec :type sec: xr.Dataset :param ref: ref :type ref: xr.Dataset :return: x and y factors :rtype: Tuple[float, float] """ # Obtain the original dem size orig_ysize, orig_xsize = sec["image"].shape # Reproject the dem to the ref without doing any crop reproj_sec = reproject_dataset(sec, ref, interp="bilinear") # Obtain the full reprojected dem size reproj_ysize, reproj_xsize = reproj_sec["image"].shape # Return the x and y factors to adapt the computed offsets return orig_xsize / reproj_xsize, orig_ysize / reproj_ysize
[docs] def _get_geoid_offset( dataset: xr.Dataset, geoid_path: Union[str, None] ) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the geoid offset of the input DEM. If no geoid_path is given, the default geoid/egm96_15.gtx if used. :param dataset: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :type dataset: xr.Dataset :param geoid_path: optional absolut geoid_path, if None egm96 is used :type geoid_path: str or None :return: offset as array :rtype: np.ndarray """ # If no geoid path has been given, use the default geoid egm96 # installed in if geoid_path is None: # this returns the fully resolved path to the python installed module module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Geoid relative Path as installed in geoid_path = "geoid/egm96_15.gtx" # Create full geoid path geoid_path = os.path.join(module_path, geoid_path) # Obtain dataset's grid ny, nx = dataset["image"].data.shape xp = np.arange(nx) yp = np.arange(ny) xp, yp = np.meshgrid(xp, yp) # Project the dataset grid into lat/lon coordinates lonlat = list( convert_pix_to_coord(dataset["georef_transform"].data, yp, xp) ) # If the georef's units are meters (if is_projected), # convert them to degrees src_crs =["crs"]) if src_crs.is_projected: # convert to global coordinates proj = pyproj.Proj(src_crs) lonlat = list(proj(lonlat[0], lonlat[1], inverse=True)) # transform to list (2xN) lon_1d = np.reshape( lonlat[0], (dataset["image"].data.shape[0] * dataset["image"].data.shape[1]), ) lat_1d = np.reshape( lonlat[1], (dataset["image"].data.shape[0] * dataset["image"].data.shape[1]), ) coords = np.zeros((lon_1d.size, 2)) coords[:, 0] = lon_1d coords[:, 1] = lat_1d # Interpolate geoid on the dataset coordinates # If the dataset coordinates are outside of the geoid scope, # an error will be raised. try: # Get geoid values interp_geoid = _interpolate_geoid( geoid_path, coords, interpol_method="linear" ) except ValueError: logging.error( "Input DSM %s coordinates outside of the %s geoid scope.", dataset.attrs["input_img"], geoid_path, ) raise # transform to array of shape dataset['im'].data.shape arr_offset = np.reshape(interp_geoid, dataset["image"].data.shape) return arr_offset
[docs] def _interpolate_geoid( geoid_filename: str, coords: np.ndarray, interpol_method: str = "linear" ) -> np.ndarray: """ Bilinear interpolation of the given geoid to the input coordinates. If no interpol_method is given, a "linear" interpolation is considered. If the input coordinates are outside of the geoid scope, an exception is raised. :param geoid_filename: coord geoid_filename :type geoid_filename: str :param coords: coords matrix 2xN [lon,lat] :type coords: np.ndarray :param interpol_method: interpolation type :type interpol_method: str :return: interpolated position [lon,lat,estimate geoid] :rtype: 3D np.array """ dataset = transform = dataset.transform # Get transform's step step_x = transform[0] step_y = -transform[4] # coin BG [ori_x, ori_y] = transform * ( 0.5, dataset.height - 0.5, ) # positions au centre pixel # Compute last x and y geoid positions last_x = ori_x + step_x * dataset.width last_y = ori_y + step_y * dataset.height # Get all geoid values geoid_values =[::-1, :].transpose() # Get all geoid positions x = np.arange(ori_x, last_x, step_x) y = np.arange(ori_y, last_y, step_y) geoid_grid_coordinates = (x, y) # Interpolate geoid on the input coordinates interp_geoid = interpolate.interpn( geoid_grid_coordinates, geoid_values, coords, method=interpol_method, bounds_error=True, fill_value=None, ) return interp_geoid