Source code for demcompare.coregistration.nuth_kaab_internal

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
This module contains functions associated to the
Nuth and Kaab universal co-registration
(Correcting elevation data for glacier change detection 2011).

Based on the work of geoutils project
Authors : Amaury Dehecq, Andrew Tedstone
Date : June 2015
License : MIT
# pylint:disable=too-many-lines
# Standard imports
import logging
import os
from typing import Tuple, Union

# Third party imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from json_checker import And
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

# Demcompare imports
from ..dem_tools import DEFAULT_NODATA, create_dem
from ..img_tools import compute_gdal_translate_bounds
from ..internal_typing import ConfigType
from ..transformation import Transformation
from .coregistration import Coregistration
from .coregistration_template import CoregistrationTemplate

[docs] class NuthKaabInternal(CoregistrationTemplate): """ NuthKaab class, allows to perform a Nuth & Kaab coregistration from authors above and adapted in demcompare """ # Default parameters in case they are not specified in the cfg
# Method name
[docs] method_name = "nuth_kaab_internal"
def __init__(self, cfg: ConfigType = None): """ Any coregistration class should have the following schema on its input cfg (optional parameters may be added for a particular coregistration class): coregistration = { "method_name": coregistration class name. str, "number_of_iterations": number of iterations. int, "sampling_source": optional. sampling source at which the dems are reprojected prior to coregistration. str "sec" (default) or "ref", "estimated_initial_shift_x": optional. estimated initial x shift. int or float. 0 by default, "estimated_initial_shift_y": optional. estimated initial y shift. int or float. 0 by default, "output_dir": optional output directory. str. If given, the coreg_sec is saved, "save_optional_outputs": optional. bool. Requires output_dir to be set. If activated, the outputs of the coregistration method (such as nuth et kaab iteration plots) are saved and the internal dems of the coregistration such as reproj_dem, reproj_ref, reproj_coreg_sec, reproj_coreg_ref, initial_dh and final_dh are saved. } :param cfg: configuration :type cfg: Config Type """ # Call generic init before supercharging super().__init__(cfg) # Number of iterations specific to Nuth et kaab internal algorithm self.iterations = self.cfg["number_of_iterations"] # Aspect bounds for the Nuth et kaab internal algorithm self.aspect_bounds: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
[docs] def fill_conf_and_schema(self, cfg: ConfigType = None) -> ConfigType: """ Add default values to the dictionary if there are missing elements and define the configuration schema :param cfg: coregistration configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :return cfg: coregistration configuration updated :rtype: ConfigType """ # Call generic fill_conf_and_schema cfg = super().fill_conf_and_schema(cfg) # Give the default value if the required element # is not in the configuration if "method_name" not in cfg: cfg["method_name"] = self.method_name if "number_of_iterations" not in cfg: cfg["number_of_iterations"] = self.DEFAULT_ITERATIONS # Add subclass parameter to the default schema self.schema["number_of_iterations"] = And( int, lambda input: input < 16, lambda input: input > 0 ) return cfg
[docs] def _coregister_dems_algorithm( # pylint:disable=too-many-locals self, sec: xr.Dataset, ref: xr.Dataset, ) -> Tuple[Transformation, xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset]: """ Coregister_dems_algorithm, computes coregistration transformation and reprojected coregistered DEMs with Nuth et kaab algorithm Plots might be saved if save_optional_outputs is set. :param sec: sec xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :type sec: xarray Dataset :param ref: ref xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :type ref: xarray Dataset :return: transformation, reproj_coreg_sec xr.DataSet, reproj_coreg_ref xr.DataSet. The xr.Datasets containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :rtype: Tuple[Transformation, xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset] """ # create nuth and kaab optional output for algorithm detailed options if self.save_optional_outputs and self.output_dir: os.makedirs( os.path.join(self.output_dir, "nuth_kaab_tmp_dir"), exist_ok=True, ) # Copy dataset and extract image array sec_im = sec["image"].data ref_im = ref["image"].data # Set target dem grid for interpolation purpose xgrid = np.arange(sec_im.shape[1]) ygrid = np.arange(sec_im.shape[0]) # Set spline interpolation spline_1, spline_2 = self.interpolate_dem_on_grid(ref_im, xgrid, ygrid) # Compute inital_dh and initialize ref initial_dh = ref_im - sec_im coreg_ref = ref_im # Compute median, nmad and initial elevation difference plot median = np.median(initial_dh[np.isfinite(initial_dh)]) nmad_old = 1.4826 * np.median( np.abs(initial_dh[np.isfinite(initial_dh)] - median) ) maxval = 3 * nmad_old pl.figure(1, figsize=(7.0, 8.0)) pl.imshow(initial_dh, vmin=-maxval, vmax=maxval) color_bar = pl.colorbar() color_bar.set_label("Elevation difference (m)") if self.save_optional_outputs: output_dir_ = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "./nuth_kaab_tmp_dir") pl.savefig( os.path.join(output_dir_, "ElevationDiff_BeforeCoreg.png"), dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", ) pl.close() # Initialize offsets x_offset, y_offset = 0.0, 0.0 logging.debug("Nuth & Kaab iterations: %s", self.iterations) coreg_sec = sec_im # Compute bounds for different aspect slices self.aspect_bounds = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 36) for i in range(self.iterations): # Remove bias from ref coreg_ref -= median # Compute new elevation difference dh = coreg_sec - coreg_ref # Compute slope and aspect slope, aspect = self._grad2d(coreg_sec) if self.save_optional_outputs: output_dir_ = os.path.join( self.output_dir, "./nuth_kaab_tmp_dir" ) plotfile = os.path.join(output_dir_, f"nuth_kaab_iter#{i}.png") else: plotfile = None # Compute offset east, north, z = self._nuth_kaab_single_iter( dh, slope, aspect, plot_file=plotfile ) logging.debug( "# %s - Offset in pixels : ( %.2f , %.2f ), -bias : ( %.2f )", i + 1, east, north, z, ) # Update total offsets x_offset += east y_offset += north # Resample slave DEM in the new grid # spline 1 : positive y shift moves south znew = spline_1(ygrid - y_offset, xgrid + x_offset) nanval_new = spline_2(ygrid - y_offset, xgrid + x_offset) # We created nan_maskval so that non NaN values are set to 0. # Interpolation "creates" values, and the values not affected # by nan are the ones still equal to 0. # Hence, all values different to 0 must be considered # as invalid ones znew[nanval_new != 0] = np.nan # Crop dems with offset coreg_ref = self.crop_dem_with_offset(znew, x_offset, y_offset) coreg_sec = self.crop_dem_with_offset(sec_im, x_offset, y_offset) # Logging of some statistics diff = coreg_ref - coreg_sec diff = diff[np.isfinite(diff)] nmad_new = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(diff - np.median(diff))) median = np.median(diff) logging.debug( "\t Median : %.2f, NMAD = %.2f", median, nmad_new, ) # with same dems test, nmad_old divive by zero. don't show gain if nmad_old != 0: logging.debug( "\t Gain : %.2f", (nmad_new - nmad_old) / nmad_old * 100, ) # put new nmad to old for next iteration nmad_old = nmad_new # Initialize coregistered classification layers coreg_ref_classif = None coreg_sec_classif = None # If classification layers in ref, interpolate and crop them # To have the same modifications as ref if "indicator" in ref.coords: coreg_ref_classif = self.interpolate_classif_layers( ref.classification_layer_masks, xgrid, ygrid, x_offset, y_offset ) coreg_ref_classif = self.crop_classif_layers( coreg_ref_classif, x_offset, y_offset ) if "indicator" in sec.coords: coreg_sec_classif = self.crop_classif_layers( sec.classification_layer_masks, x_offset, y_offset ) reproj_bounds = compute_gdal_translate_bounds( y_offset, x_offset, (coreg_sec.shape[0], coreg_sec.shape[1]),, ) # Generate the dataset dems coreg_sec_dataset = create_dem( coreg_sec,, nodata=DEFAULT_NODATA,, classification_layer_masks=coreg_sec_classif, bounds=reproj_bounds, ) coreg_ref_dataset = create_dem( coreg_ref,, nodata=DEFAULT_NODATA,, classification_layer_masks=coreg_ref_classif, bounds=reproj_bounds, ) logging.debug( "Nuth & Kaab Final Offset in pixels (east, north): ( %.2f , %.2f )", x_offset, y_offset, ) # Display final_dh = coreg_ref - coreg_sec median = np.median(final_dh[np.isfinite(final_dh)]) nmad_old = 1.4826 * np.median( np.abs(final_dh[np.isfinite(final_dh)] - median) ) maxval = 3 * nmad_old pl.figure(1, figsize=(7.0, 8.0)) pl.imshow(final_dh, vmin=-maxval, vmax=maxval) color_bar = pl.colorbar() color_bar.set_label("Elevation difference (m)") if self.save_optional_outputs: output_dir_ = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "./nuth_kaab_tmp_dir") pl.savefig( os.path.join(output_dir_, "ElevationDiff_AfterCoreg.png"), dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", ) pl.close() z_offset = float(np.nanmean(final_dh)) transform = Transformation( x_offset=x_offset, y_offset=-y_offset, # -y_offset because y_offset # from nk is north oriented z_offset=z_offset, estimated_initial_shift_x=self.estimated_initial_shift_x, estimated_initial_shift_y=self.estimated_initial_shift_y, adapting_factor=self.adapting_factor, ) return transform, coreg_sec_dataset, coreg_ref_dataset
[docs] def interpolate_dem_on_grid( interp_dem: np.ndarray, xgrid: np.ndarray, ygrid: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[RectBivariateSpline, RectBivariateSpline]: """ interpolate_dem_on_grid, returns the RectBivariateSpline function to do Bivariate spline approximation over a rectangular mesh. :param interp_dem: input dem image :type interp_dem: np.ndarray :param xgrid: x axis grid :type xgrid: np.ndarray :param ygrid: x axis grid :type ygrid: np.ndarray :return: spline_1, spline_2, :rtype: Tuple[RectBivariateSpline, RectBivariateSpline] """ # Mask nan values to -9999 nan_maskval = np.isnan(interp_dem) sec_from_filled = np.where(nan_maskval, -9999, interp_dem) # Compute both splines spline_1 = RectBivariateSpline( ygrid, xgrid, sec_from_filled, kx=1, ky=1 ) spline_2 = RectBivariateSpline(ygrid, xgrid, nan_maskval, kx=1, ky=1) return spline_1, spline_2
[docs] def interpolate_classif_layers( self, dem_classif: xr.DataArray, xgrid: np.ndarray, ygrid: np.ndarray, x_offset: float, y_offset: float, ): """ interpolates the classification layers on the input grids with the input offsets. :param dem_classif: input dem image :type dem_classif: xr.Dataarray :param xgrid: x axis grid :type xgrid: np.ndarray :param ygrid: x axis grid :type ygrid: np.ndarray :param x_offset: x offset :type x_offset: float :param y_offset: y offset :type y_offset: float :return: interpolated classification layers :rtype: xr.Dataarray """ interp_classif = # For each existing classification layer for idx in range(len(dem_classif.coords["indicator"])): # Get classification data classif_data =[:, :, idx] # Compute classif layer splines spline_1, spline_2 = self.interpolate_dem_on_grid( classif_data, xgrid, ygrid ) # Apply spline interpolations rectified_map = spline_1(ygrid - y_offset, xgrid + x_offset) nanval_new = spline_2(ygrid - y_offset, xgrid + x_offset) rectified_map[nanval_new != 0] = np.nan interp_classif[:, :, idx] = rectified_map # Update dataset's classification data = interp_classif return dem_classif
[docs] def crop_dem_with_offset( dem: np.ndarray, x_offset: float, y_offset: float ) -> np.ndarray: """ Crops the input dem with the given offsets. :param dem: input dem image :type dem: np.ndarray :param x_offset: x offset :type x_offset: float :param y_offset: y offset :type y_offset: float :return: cropped dem :rtype: np.ndarray """ # Crop DEMs with offset if x_offset >= 0: cropped_dem = dem[:, 0 : dem.shape[1] - int(np.ceil(x_offset))] else: cropped_dem = dem[:, int(np.floor(-x_offset)) : dem.shape[1]] if -y_offset >= 0: cropped_dem = cropped_dem[ 0 : dem.shape[0] - int(np.ceil(-y_offset)), : ] else: cropped_dem = cropped_dem[int(np.floor(y_offset)) : dem.shape[0], :] return cropped_dem
[docs] def crop_classif_layers( self, dem_classif: xr.DataArray, x_offset, y_offset ) -> xr.DataArray: """ crop_classif_layers crops and updates the input classification layers with the input offsets. :param dem_classif: classification layers :type dem_classif: xr.Dataarray :param x_offset: x offset :type x_offset: float :param y_offset: y offset :type y_offset: float :return: cropped classification layers :rtype: xr.Dataarray """ # Initialize cropped data cropped_classif_list = [] # For each existing classification layer for idx in range(len(dem_classif.coords["indicator"])): # Get classification data classif_map =[:, :, idx] # Crop classification data rectified_map = self.crop_dem_with_offset( classif_map, x_offset, y_offset ) cropped_classif_list.append(rectified_map) # Set cropped data to the correct dimension order cropped_classif = np.swapaxes( np.transpose(np.array(cropped_classif_list)), 0, 1 ) # Get all classif indicators indicator = list(dem_classif.coords["indicator"].data) # Initialize new cropped classif coordinates coords_classification_layers = { "row": np.arange(rectified_map.shape[0]), "col": np.arange(rectified_map.shape[1]), "indicator": indicator, } # Create new xarray with the cropped classif cropped_classifs = xr.DataArray( data=cropped_classif, coords=coords_classification_layers, dims=["row", "col", "indicator"], ) return cropped_classifs
[docs] def _grad2d(dem: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Computes input DEM's slope and aspect :param dem: input dem :type dem: np.ndarray :return: slope (fast forward style) and aspect :rtype: np.ndarray, np.ndarray """ grad2, grad1 = np.gradient(dem) slope = np.sqrt(grad1**2 + grad2**2) aspect = np.arctan2(-grad1, grad2) # aspect=0 when slope facing north aspect = aspect + np.pi return slope, aspect
[docs] def _nuth_kaab_single_iter( self, dh: np.ndarray, slope: np.ndarray, aspect: np.ndarray, plot_file: Union[str, bool] = None, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Computes the horizontal shift between 2 DEMs using the method presented in Nuth & Kaab 2011 :param dh: elevation difference sec - ref :type dh: np.ndarray :param slope: slope for the same locations as the dh :type slope: np.ndarray :param aspect: aspect for the same locations as the dh :type aspect: np.ndarray :param plot_file: file to where store plot. Set to None if plot is to be printed. Set to False for no plot at all. :type plot_file: str or bool :return: east, north, c :rtype: float, float, float """ # Compute estimated easting and northing of the shift, # c is not used here but is related to the vertical shift # The aim is to compute dh / tan(alpha) as a function of the aspect # -> hence we are going to be slice the aspect to average a value # for dh / tan(alpha) on those sliced areas # -> then we are going to fit the values by the model a.cos(b-aspect)+c # - a will be the magnitude of the horizontal shift # - b will be its orientation # - c will be a vertical mean shift # To avoid nearly-zero division, filter slope values below 0.001 slope[np.where(slope < 0.001)] = np.nan # function to be correlated with terrain aspect # NB : target = dh / tan(alpha) (see Fig. 2 of Nuth & Kaab 2011) # Explicitely ignore divide by zero warning, # as they will be processed as nan later. with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): target = dh / slope target = target[np.isfinite(dh)] aspect = aspect[np.isfinite(dh)] # Compute filtered target slice_filt_median, target_filt = self._filter_target(aspect, target) # function to fit according to Nuth & Kaab x = aspect.ravel() y = target_filt.ravel() # remove non-finite values yf = y[(np.isfinite(x)) & (np.isfinite(y))] # set the first guess p0 = (3 * np.std(yf) / (2**0.5), 0, np.mean(yf)) # least square fit def peval(x, p): """peval defines the model chosen""" return p[0] * np.cos(p[1] - x) + p[2] def residuals(p, y, x): """residuals function based on peval""" err = peval(x, p) - y return err # we run the least square fit # by minimizing the "distance" between y and peval (see residuals()) plsq = leastsq( residuals, p0, args=(slice_filt_median, self.aspect_bounds), full_output=1, ) yfit = peval(self.aspect_bounds, plsq[0]) if plot_file: self._save_fit_plots( str(plot_file), aspect, target, target_filt, slice_filt_median, yfit, ) a, b, c = plsq[0] east = a * np.sin(b) # with b=0 when north (origin=y-axis) north = a * np.cos(b) return east, north, c
[docs] def _filter_target( self, aspect: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Filter target slice outliers of an input array by a 3*sigma filtering to improve Nuth et kaab fit. :param aspect: elevation difference sec - ref :type aspect: np.ndarray :param target: slope for the same locations as the dh :type target: np.ndarray :return: slice_filt_median, target_filt :rtype: Tuple[List] """ # Define sigma to filter each target slice outliers # and improve Nuth et kaab fit. # All target values slice outside # [mean_slice-sigma_filter*std_slice, mean_slice+sigma_filter*std_slice] # are considered outliers and will be set to NaN sigma_filter = 3 # Initialize slice filtered median slice_filt_median = [] # Initialize filtered target target_filt = np.full(target.shape, np.nan) for bounds in self.aspect_bounds: # Slice indexes within aspect slice_idxes = np.where( (bounds < aspect) & (aspect < bounds + np.pi / 36) ) # If no aspect values are within the slice, # fill mean with Nan and continue if len(slice_idxes[0]) == 0: # Set slice filtered median for Nuth et kaab as NaN slice_filt_median.append(np.nan) continue # Obtain target values in the slice target_slice = target[slice_idxes] # Obtain target slice's mean and std before filtering slice_mean = np.nanmean(target_slice) # numpy's std cannot handle nan slice_sigma = np.std(target_slice[np.isfinite(target_slice)]) # Target slice values outside # [mean_slice-sigma_filter*std_slice, # mean_slice+sigma_filter*std_slice] # are considered outliers and set to NaN inv_idx = np.logical_or( (target_slice < (slice_mean - sigma_filter * slice_sigma)), (target_slice > (slice_mean + sigma_filter * slice_sigma)), ) # Filter target_slice target_slice[inv_idx] = np.nan target_slice[inv_idx] = np.nan # Filter target target_filt[slice_idxes] = target_slice # Compute slice filtered median for Nuth et kaab slice_filt_median.append(np.nanmedian(target_slice)) return np.array(slice_filt_median), np.array(target_filt)
[docs] def _save_fit_plots( self, plot_file: str, aspect: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray, target_filt: np.ndarray, slice_filt_median: np.ndarray, yfit: np.ndarray, ) -> None: """ Compute and save the Nuth et Kaab fit plots of each iteration :param plot_file: file to where store plot :type plot_file: str :param aspect: terrain aspect :type aspect: np.ndarray :param target: nuth et kaab target :type target: np.ndarray :param target_filt: filtered target :type target_filt: np.ndarray :param slice_filt_median: filtered target median :type slice_filt_median: np.ndarray :param yfit: fit polynome of target_filt :type yfit: np.ndarray :return: None """ # plotting results pl.figure(1, figsize=(7.0, 8.0)) pl.plot( aspect * 180 / np.pi, target, ".", color="silver", markersize=3, label="target", ) pl.plot( aspect * 180 / np.pi, target_filt, "c.", markersize=3, label="target filtered", ) pl.plot( self.aspect_bounds * 180 / np.pi, slice_filt_median, "k.", label="median", ) pl.plot( self.aspect_bounds * 180 / np.pi, yfit, "b-", label="median fit" ) pl.xlabel("Terrain aspect (deg)") pl.ylabel(r"dh/tan($\alpha$) (meters)") # set axes limit on twice the min/max of the median, # or +-2 if the value is below it axes = pl.gca() ax_min = np.min([np.nanmin(slice_filt_median) * 2, -2]) ax_max = np.max([np.nanmax(slice_filt_median) * 2, 2]) axes.set_ylim((ax_min, ax_max)) pl.legend(loc="upper left") pl.savefig(plot_file, dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight") pl.close()
[docs] def save_results_dict(self): """ Save the coregistration results on a Dict The altimetric and coregistration results are saved. Logging of the altimetric results is done in this function. :return: None """ # Call generic save_results_dict before supercharging super().save_results_dict() # Add Nuth offsets to coregistration_results self.coregistration_results["coregistration_results"]["dx"][ "nuth_offset" ] = round(self.transform.x_offset, 5) self.coregistration_results["coregistration_results"]["dy"][ "nuth_offset" ] = round(self.transform.y_offset, 5) self.coregistration_results["coregistration_results"]["dz"][ "nuth_offset" ] = round(self.transform.z_offset, 5)