Source code for demcompare.classification_layer.slope_classification

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Mainly contains the SlopeClassification class.
import collections
import logging
from typing import Dict, List

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

# DEMcompare imports
from demcompare.dem_tools import create_dem

from ..internal_typing import ConfigType
from .classification_layer import ClassificationLayer
from .classification_layer_template import ClassificationLayerTemplate

# Third party imports

[docs] class SlopeClassificationLayer(ClassificationLayerTemplate): """ SlopeClassificationLayer """
[docs] _RANGES = [0, 5, 10, 25, 45]
def __init__( self, name: str, classification_layer_kind: str, cfg: Dict, dem: xr.Dataset = None, ): """ Init function :param name: classification layer name :type name: str :param classification_layer_kind: classification layer kind :type classification_layer_kind: str :param cfg: layer's configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :param dem: dem :type dem: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :return: None """ # Call generic init before supercharging super().__init__( name, classification_layer_kind, cfg, dem, ) # Ranges self.ranges: List = self.cfg["ranges"] # Checking configuration during initialisation step # doesn't require classification layers if dem is not None: # Create labelled map to classification_layer from self._create_labelled_map() # Create class masks self._create_class_masks() logging.debug("ClassificationLayer created as: %s", self)
[docs] def fill_conf_and_schema(self, cfg: ConfigType = None) -> ConfigType: """ Add default values to the dictionary if there are missing elements and define the configuration schema :param cfg: coregistration configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :return cfg: coregistration configuration updated :rtype: ConfigType """ # Call generic fill_conf_and_schema cfg = super().fill_conf_and_schema(cfg) # Give the default value if the required element # is not in the configuration if "ranges" not in cfg: cfg["ranges"] = self._RANGES # Add subclass parameter to the default schema self.schema["ranges"] = list self.check_ranges(cfg) return cfg
[docs] def check_ranges(cfg: dict) -> None: """ Verify users configuration for ranges in slope classification :param cfg: slope configuration :type cfg: dict :return: None """ ranges_dict = cfg["ranges"] if not all( isinstance(values, int) or (ranges_dict is list) for values in ranges_dict ): raise TypeError("Ranges must be a list of int")
[docs] def _create_labelled_map(self): """ Create the labelled map and save it if necessary :return: None """ # transform 'ranges' to 'classes' self.classes: collections.OrderedDict = self._generate_classes( self.ranges ) # create slope maps of ref and sec self._create_slope_map_datasets(self.dem)
[docs] def _create_slope_map_datasets(self, dem: xr.Dataset): """ Create slope map datasets :param dem: input dem :type dem: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :return: None """ # Classify slope dict_slope = {"ref_slope": "ref", "sec_slope": "sec"} for slope_name, support in dict_slope.items(): if slope_name in dem: slope_img = self.dem[slope_name].data[:, :] slope_dataset = create_dem( slope_img,,, nodata=self.nodata, ) # Create the layer map for each slope self._classify_slope_by_ranges(slope_dataset, support)
[docs] def _generate_classes(ranges) -> collections.OrderedDict: """ Create classes from ranges :param ranges: ranges :type ranges: List :return: classes :rtype: collections.OrderedDict """ # Change the intervals into a list to make 'classes' generic classes = collections.OrderedDict() for idx, range_item in enumerate(ranges): if idx == len(ranges) - 1: key = f"[{range_item}%;inf[" else: key = f"[{range_item}%;{ranges[idx + 1]}%[" classes[key] = ranges[idx] return classes
[docs] def _classify_slope_by_ranges( self, slope_dataset: xr.Dataset, support: str = "ref" ): """ Create the map for each slope using the input ranges (value interval is transformed into 1 value (interval minimum value)) :param slope_dataset: slope dataset :type slope_dataset: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :param support: support dem, ref or sec :type support: str :return: None """ # Use radiometric ranges to classify the slope dataset # Initialize map map_img = np.ones(slope_dataset["image"].data.shape) * self.nodata # For each radiometric range, add the slope values that are within # the interval to the map_img for idx, _ in enumerate(self.ranges): # If it is the last range, do not check if smaller than next range if idx == len(self.ranges) - 1: map_img[ np.where( (~np.isnan(slope_dataset["image"].data)) * (slope_dataset["image"].data >= self.ranges[idx]) ) ] = self.ranges[idx] else: map_img[ np.where( (~np.isnan(slope_dataset["image"].data)) * (slope_dataset["image"].data >= self.ranges[idx]) & (slope_dataset["image"].data < self.ranges[idx + 1]) ) ] = self.ranges[idx] # Store map_image self.map_image[support] = map_img # If output_dir is set, create map_dataset and save if self.output_dir: self.save_map_img(map_img, support)