Source code for demcompare.classification_layer.fusion_classification

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Mainly contains the FussionClassification class.
import collections
import itertools
import logging
from typing import Dict, List

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
from json_checker import Or

from ..internal_typing import ConfigType
from .classification_layer import ClassificationLayer
from .classification_layer_template import ClassificationLayerTemplate

[docs] class FusionClassificationLayer(ClassificationLayerTemplate): """ FusionClassificationLayer is the fusion of more than one ClassificationLayer, in order to retrieve the information of pixels belonging to the intersections of two classes of different ClassificationLayers. """ def __init__( self, classification_layers: List[ClassificationLayer], support: str, name: str, metrics: List = None, ): """ :param classification_layers: list of ClassificationLayers :type classification_layers: List[ClassificationLayerTemplate] :support: support dem, ref or sec :type support: str :name: layer name :type name: str :metrics: optional input metrics :type metrics: List """ # If only one classification_layer is given, raise error if len(classification_layers) == 1: logging.error( "There must be at least 2" " classification_layer_masks" " to be merged together" ) raise self.NotEnoughDataToClassificationLayerError # Store classification layers self.classification_layers = classification_layers # Initialize fusion conf cfg = self.fill_fusion_conf(metrics) # Support = support # Name = name super().__init__(, classification_layer_kind="classification_layer_masks", dem=classification_layers[0].dem, cfg=cfg, ) # Checking configuration during initialisation step # doesn't require classification layers if classification_layers[0].dem is not None: # Create classification_layer classes # (labelled map with associated classes) self._merge_classes_and_create_classes_masks() self._create_labelled_map() logging.debug("ClassificationLayer created as: %s", self)
[docs] def fill_fusion_conf(self, metrics: List = None) -> ConfigType: """ Fill the fusion layer configuration :param metrics: optinal input metrics :type metrics: List :return cfg: configuration updated :rtype: ConfigType """ # Initialize cfg layer with necessary parameters cfg: Dict = {} cfg["remove_outliers"] = self.classification_layers[0].remove_outliers cfg["output_dir"] = self.classification_layers[0].output_dir cfg["type"] = "fusion" cfg["nodata"] = self.classification_layers[0].nodata # If metrics have been defined, add them cfg["metrics"] = metrics self.schema = { "output_dir": Or(str, None), "nodata": Or(float, int), "type": "fusion", "metrics": list, "remove_outliers": bool, } return cfg
[docs] def _create_labelled_map(self): """ Create the labelled map :return: None """ # Get dems shape dems_shape = self.dem["image"].data.shape # Initialize fusion map map_fusion = np.ones(dems_shape) * self.nodata for idx, (_, class_item) in enumerate(self.classes.items()): # Fill fusion map with classes masks map_fusion[np.where(self.classes_masks[][idx])] = ( class_item ) # Add map_fusion on the map_image self.map_image[] = map_fusion # Save results if self.output_dir: self.save_map_img(map_fusion,
[docs] def _merge_classes_and_create_classes_masks(self): """ Merge classes of the classification layers and create the classes_masks :return: None """ # Create all combinations and new classes all_combi_labels, self.classes = self._create_merged_classes( self.classification_layers ) # Dem shape dems_shape = self.dem["image"].data.shape # Create dict to easily access each classification layer dict_classification_layers = { classif for classif in self.classification_layers } # Iterate over the fusionned maps for _ in self.classification_layers: # Initialize support masks support_masks = [] # Iterate over all combined layers for combi in all_combi_labels: # Initialize new layer mask masks = np.ones(dems_shape) * True for elm in combi: layer_name = elm[0] label_idx = elm[1] class_mask = dict_classification_layers[ layer_name ].classes_masks[][label_idx] # Resulting mask is the superposition of # all combined layer's mask masks = masks * class_mask # Append new classe's support mask support_masks.append(masks) self.classes_masks[] = support_masks
[docs] def _create_merged_classes( classification_layers: List[ClassificationLayer], ): """ Generate the 'classes' dictionary for merged layers :param classification_layers: list of classes to merge :type classification_layers: List[ClassificationLayer] :return: """ # Initialize list of all classes to be combined classes_to_merge = [] # Iterate over classification layers for classification_layer in classification_layers: # Add all the classes of each classification layer classes_to_merge.append( [ (, idx, class_name + ":" + str(class_item), ) for idx, (class_name, class_item) in enumerate( classification_layer.classes.items() ) ] ) # Compute all possible combinations all_combi_labels = list(itertools.product(*classes_to_merge)) # Initialize new classes new_classes = collections.OrderedDict() for idx, combi in enumerate(all_combi_labels): # Create new label inside new_classes dict new_label_name = "_&_".join( [ "_".join([name, str(label).split(":", maxsplit=1)[0]]) for name, value, label in combi ] ) # To improve labelled map visualization, # new class values start at value 1, not at 0 new_classes[new_label_name] = idx + 1 return all_combi_labels, new_classes