Source code for demcompare.classification_layer.classification_layer_template

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (c) 2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).
# This file is part of demcompare
# (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint:disable=too-many-branches, too-many-lines
Mainly contains the ClassificationLayer class.
A classification_layer defines a way to classify the DEMs alti differences.

# Standard imports
import collections
import copy
import logging
import os
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

# Third party imports
import numpy as np
import rasterio
import xarray as xr
from json_checker import Checker, Or

# DEMcompare imports
from demcompare.dem_tools import DEFAULT_NODATA, create_dem, save_dem
from demcompare.img_tools import remove_nan_and_flatten
from demcompare.metric import Metric

from ..internal_typing import ConfigType
from ..stats_dataset import StatsDataset

# pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] class ClassificationLayerTemplate(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ ClassificationLayer class A classification_layer defines a way to classify the DEM for the stats computation. """ class NotEnoughDataToClassificationLayerError(Exception): """Define a NotEnoughDataToClassificationLayerError Exception""" class LackOfClassificationLayerDataError(Exception): """Define a LackOfClassificationLayerDataError Exception""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() logging.error( "At least one classification_layer" " support must be provided " "(shall it be linked to the" " reference DEM or the dem to align one). " "Use the 'ref' and/or 'sec' keys respectively." ) def __init__( self, name: str, classification_layer_kind: str, cfg: Dict, dem: xr.Dataset = None, ): """ Initialization of a classification_layer object :param name: classification layer name :type name: str :param classification_layer_kind: classification layer kind :type classification_layer_kind: str :param cfg: layer's configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :param dem: dem :type dem: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :return: None """ # Classification_layer name = name # Classification layer type self.type_layer = classification_layer_kind # Init cfg schema self.schema: Dict = None # Init classes self.classes: collections.OrderedDict = None # Dem to be classified self.dem: xr.Dataset = dem if self.dem: if hasattr(dem, "georef_transform"): # dx self.dx: float =[1] # dy self.dy: float =[5] else: logging.error( "Input DEM doesn't have a 'georef_transform' attribute" ) raise ValueError # Fill configuration file self.cfg: Dict = self.fill_conf_and_schema(cfg) # Check and update configuration file self.cfg = self.check_conf(self.cfg) # Nodata value self.nodata: Union[float, int] = self.cfg["nodata"] # Nodata array self.no_data_location: np.ndarray = None # Bounds self.bounds: rasterio.coords.BoundingBox = None if self.dem: if hasattr(dem, "bounds"): self.bounds = dem.bounds # Remove outliers self.remove_outliers: bool = self.cfg["remove_outliers"] # Output directory self.output_dir: Union[str, None] = self.cfg["output_dir"] # Output directory for stats self._stats_dir: Union[str, None] = None # Create output dir (where to store classification_layer results & data) if self.output_dir: # Create stats dir self._stats_dir = os.path.join( self.output_dir,, ) os.makedirs(self._stats_dir, exist_ok=True) # Init labelled map data self.map_image: Dict = {"ref": None, "sec": None} # Init sets masks dict self.classes_masks: Dict = {"ref": [], "sec": []} # Init outliers free mask self.outliers_free_mask: np.ndarray = None
[docs] def fill_conf_and_schema(self, cfg: ConfigType = None) -> ConfigType: """ Add default values to the dictionary if there are missing elements and define the configuration schema :param cfg: coregistration configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :return cfg: coregistration configuration updated :rtype: ConfigType """ # Give the default value if the required element # is not in the configuration if "nodata" not in cfg: cfg["nodata"] = DEFAULT_NODATA # set default remove outliers to false if "remove_outliers" not in cfg: cfg["remove_outliers"] = False if "output_dir" not in cfg: cfg["output_dir"] = None # Configuration schema self.schema = { "type": Or("slope", "segmentation", "global", "fusion"), "remove_outliers": bool, "output_dir": Or(str, None), "nodata": Or(int, float), "metrics": list, } return cfg
[docs] def check_conf(self, cfg: ConfigType = None) -> ConfigType: """ Check if the config is correct according to the class configuration schema raises CheckerError if configuration invalid. :param cfg: coregistration configuration :type cfg: ConfigType :return cfg: coregistration configuration updated :rtype: ConfigType """ checker = Checker(self.schema) cfg = checker.validate(cfg) return cfg
[docs] def compute_classif_stats( self, data: xr.Dataset, stats_dataset: StatsDataset, metrics: List[Union[dict, str]] = None, ): """ Stats are computed based on the classification layers, which define classes of pixels that classify divide the input image. Stats are computed on each classes separately. Input dems can be classified by two maps belonging to the same classification_layer. If both maps exist, then this method produces stats based on 3 modes: standard mode, intersection mode: where only alti errors values associated with intersection classes between both classified images are used, exclusion mode: the intersection complementary one :param data: array to compute stats from :type data: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray - classification_layer_masks : 3D (row, col, indicator) xr.DataArray :param stats_dataset: StatsDataset object :type stats_dataset: StatsDataset :param metrics: metrics to be computed :type metrics: List[Union[dict, str]] :return: stats, masks, names per mode :rtype: List, List List """ # Get outliers free mask (array of True where value is no outlier) self.outliers_free_mask = self._get_outliers_free_mask( copy.deepcopy(data["image"].data), data.attrs["nodata"] ) # Get mode masks and names mode_masks, mode_names = self._create_mode_masks(data) # Compute stats for each mode for mode_idx, mode_name in enumerate(mode_names): # Compute stats for all classes of a single mode # and add them to the stats_dataset object stats_dataset = self._compute_mode_stats( copy.deepcopy(data["image"].data), stats_dataset, mode_mask=mode_masks[mode_idx], mode_name=mode_name, metrics=metrics, ) # Save stats as plots, csv and json and do so for each mode if self.output_dir: stats_dataset.save_as_csv_and_json(, self._stats_dir)
[docs] def create_metrics( self, input_metrics: List[Union[dict, str]] = None ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Metric], List[bool]]: """ Create metric objects and remove_outliers_list :param input_metrics: list of input metrics :type input_metrics: List of Dict and str :return: Dict with metric objects and list with outlier handling per metric :rtype: Tuple[Dict[str, Metric], List[bool]] """ # Metric objects dictionary metrics = {} # Initialize remove outliers list remove_outliers_list = [] for input_metric in input_metrics: # The input metric can be a dictionary or a str # If dict, metric will have type and params if isinstance(input_metric, dict): # Get metric name name = list(input_metric.keys())[0] # Get metric params params = input_metric[name] # If outliers were specified for this metric if "remove_outliers" in params: remove_outliers_list.append(params["remove_outliers"]) # copy the params and suppress the # remove_outliers parameter as it is # not part of the metric class tmp_params = copy.deepcopy(params) tmp_params.pop("remove_outliers") # Create metric object and add it to the dictionary metrics[name] = Metric(name, tmp_params) else: # If outliers were not specified for this metric, # add the value defined for the whole classification layer remove_outliers_list.append(self.remove_outliers) # Create metric object and add it to the dictionary metrics[name] = Metric(name, params) else: # Create the metric object and add it to the dictionary metrics[input_metric] = Metric(input_metric) # Add the outliers value defined for the whole classif layer remove_outliers_list.append(self.remove_outliers) return metrics, remove_outliers_list
[docs] def _get_outliers_free_mask( self, array: np.ndarray, nodata_value: Union[int, None] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """ Get outliers free mask (array of True where value is no outlier) with values outside (mu + 3 sigma) and (mu - 3 sigma). Nan and nodata_value are not considered in mu and sigma computation. :param array: input array to get the mask from :type array: np.ndarray :param nodata_value: no data value considered. Default: None :type nodata_value: int or None :return: outliers free mask (array of True where value is no outlier) :rtype: np.ndarray """ # Get nonan and nodata mask nodata_free_mask = self._get_nonan_mask(array, nodata_value) self.no_data_location = ~nodata_free_mask # Apply the nonan and nodata mask to the input array array_without_nan = array[np.where(nodata_free_mask)] # Compute mean and std of the input array mu = np.mean(array_without_nan) sigma = np.std(array_without_nan) # Compute the outliers free mask on the input array return np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: (x > mu - 3 * sigma) * (x < mu + 3 * sigma), 0, array )
[docs] def _create_mode_masks(self, alti_map: xr.Dataset): """ Compute Masks for every required modes : the 'standard' mode: nan free, nodata free mask the 'intersection' mode: which is the 'standard' mode where only the pixels for which both sets (sec and ref) are intersection the 'exclusion' mode: which is 'intersection' complementary Note that 'intersection' and 'exclusion' mode masks can only be computed if len(_sets_masks)==2 :param alti_map: alti differences :type alti_map: xr.DataSet containing : - image : 2D (row, col) xr.DataArray float32 - georef_transform: 1D (trans_len) xr.DataArray :return: list of masks, associated modes, and error_img read as array :rtype: List[np.ndarray] """ mode_names = [] mode_masks = [] # Starting with the 'standard' mask mode_names.append("standard") # Remove alti_map nodata and nan indices mode_masks.append( self._get_nonan_mask( alti_map["image"].data, alti_map.attrs["nodata"] ) ) # If both sets masks have been defined, compute # the cross classification (intersection & exclusion) masks if self.classes_masks["ref"] and self.classes_masks["sec"]: mode_names.append("intersection") # Combine pairs of sets together # (meaning pixels belonging for the same set on # boths ref and sec dems) # for each single class / set, # we know which pixels are intersection between both # classification_layer_masks # combine_sets[0].shape[0] = number of sets (classes) # combine_sets[0].shape[1] = number of pixels inside a single DEM combine_sets = np.array( [ self.classes_masks["ref"][set_idx][:] == self.classes_masks["sec"][set_idx][:] for set_idx in range(0, len(self.classes_masks["ref"])) ] ) coherent_mask = np.all(combine_sets, axis=0) mode_masks.append(mode_masks[0] * coherent_mask) # Add the exclusion one as the intersection complementary mode_names.append("exclusion") mode_masks.append(mode_masks[0] * ~coherent_mask) return mode_masks, mode_names
[docs] def _get_nonan_mask( array: np.ndarray, nodata_value: Union[int, None] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """ Get no data and nan mask value :param array: input array to get the mask from :type array: np.ndarray :param nodata_value: no data value considered. Default: None :type nodata_value: int or None :return: nan and nodata_value if exists mask on array. :rtype: np.ndarray """ # If no nodata value is specified, just detect nan values if nodata_value is None: return np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: (~np.isnan(x)), 0, array) # If nodata value is specified, detect both nan and nodata values return np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: (~np.isnan(x)) * (x != nodata_value), 0, array )
[docs] def _compute_mode_stats( self, dz_values: np.ndarray, stats_dataset: StatsDataset, mode_mask: np.ndarray = None, mode_name: str = None, metrics: List[Union[dict, str]] = None, ) -> StatsDataset: """ Get stats for a specific mode :param dz_values: alti map :type dz_values: np.ndarray :param stats_dataset: StatsDataset object :type stats_dataset: StatsDataset :param mode_mask: boolean mask with True values for pixels to use :type mode_mask: List[bool] :param mode_name: mode name :type mode_name: str :param metrics: metrics to be computed :type metrics: List[Union[dict, str]] :return: StatsDataset with computed metrics (set_name, nbpts, %(out_of_all_pts), max, min, mean, std, rmse, ...) :rtype: StatsDataset """ # Initialize stats_list stats_list = [] # Total number of points nb_total_points = dz_values.size # If no metrics have been specified, consider # the given cfg metrics if metrics is None: metrics = self.cfg["metrics"] logging.debug("Computing mode %s, metrics: %s", mode_name, metrics) # Consider either the "ref" or "sec" classes masks. # If both exist, "ref" is considered if self.classes_masks["ref"]: class_masks = self.classes_masks["ref"] else: class_masks = self.classes_masks["sec"] # Compute stats for each class if class_masks is not None: for idx, (class_name, class_item) in enumerate( self.classes.items() ): # Class altitude values # class_alti_values is a 2D matrix class_alti_values = np.where( (class_masks[idx] * mode_mask), dz_values, np.nan ) # flatten the data and remove NaNs values class_alti_values_1d_no_nan = remove_nan_and_flatten( class_alti_values ) # Class outliers free mask class_outliers_free_mask = ( class_masks[idx] * mode_mask * self.outliers_free_mask ) # Class outliers free altitude values # class_outliers_free_alti_values is a 2D matrix class_outliers_free_alti_values = np.where( class_outliers_free_mask, dz_values, np.nan ) # Do stats computation and obtain class_stats dictionary class_stats = self.stats_computation( class_alti_values, class_outliers_free_alti_values, metrics, ) # Masks altitude values not corresponding to the # class and its mode # and save it as the dz_values stats class_dz_values = copy.deepcopy(dz_values) class_dz_values[ np.where((class_masks[idx] * mode_mask) == 0) ] = np.nan class_stats["dz_values"] = class_dz_values # Add nbpts value class_stats["nbpts"] = class_alti_values_1d_no_nan.size # Add class name class_stats["class_name"] = class_name + ":" + str(class_item) # Add percent_valid_points value class_stats["percent_valid_points"] = round( ( 100 * class_alti_values_1d_no_nan.size / float(nb_total_points) ), 5, ) # Add the class_stats dictionary to the stats_list # Need to copy, otherwise the array dz_values is overwritten stats_list.append(copy.deepcopy(class_stats)) # Add the obtained stats on the stats_dataset object stats_dataset.add_classif_layer_and_mode_stats(, input_stats=stats_list, mode_name=mode_name ) return stats_dataset
[docs] def _create_class_masks(self): """ Returns a list of masks, by class. Each masks indicates which pixels belong to the class. :return: None """ # For each support ("ref" and "sec") for support in self.classes_masks: # If the support is present if self.map_image[support] is not None: # Initialize support map support_masks = [] # Get map_image to be classified by classes img_to_classify = self.map_image[support] # For each class on the classification layer for _, class_value in self.classes.items(): # Obtain the positions where the map image # has the class value if isinstance(class_value, list): if len(class_value) == 1: # transform it to value class_value = class_value[0] if isinstance(class_value, list): class_positions = np.where( np.logical_or( *[ np.equal(img_to_classify, label_i) for label_i in class_value ] ) ) else: class_positions = np.where( img_to_classify == class_value ) # Initialize class mask and add class positions to True mask = np.ones(img_to_classify.shape) * False mask[class_positions] = True # Add class mask to the support mask support_masks.append(mask) self.classes_masks[support] = support_masks
[docs] def _create_labelled_map(self): """ Creates labelled map :return: None """
[docs] def stats_computation( self, data: np.ndarray, outliers_free_data: np.ndarray, input_metrics: List[Union[str, Dict]] = None, ) -> Dict: """ Compute stats for a specific array :param data: 2D input data :type data: np.ndarray :param outliers_free_data: input outliers_free_data :type outliers_free_data: np.ndarray :param input_metrics: input metrics to use :type input_metrics: List[Union[str, Dict]] :return: dict with computed metric values :rtype: Dict """ # Create metrics and outliers indicator list metrics, remove_outliers_list = self.create_metrics(input_metrics) # Initialize metric results dict metric_results: Dict = {} # Iterate over each metrics for idx, (metric_name, metric_object) in enumerate(metrics.items()): if metric_name == "slope-orientation-histogram": metric_object.dx = self.dx metric_object.dy = self.dy # Choose array according to outliers configuration of the metric if remove_outliers_list[idx]: array = outliers_free_data else: array = data # flatten the data and remove NaNs values array_1d_no_nan = remove_nan_and_flatten(array) if array_1d_no_nan.size: # Format output list according to the metric type # Round the float results if metric_object.type == "scalar": computed_metric = metric_object.compute_metric( array_1d_no_nan ) metric_results[metric_name] = round( float(computed_metric), 5 ) elif metric_object.type == "vector" and not np.all( np.round(array, decimals=6) == 0 ): if metric_object.input_type == "1D": computed_metric = metric_object.compute_metric( array_1d_no_nan ) elif metric_object.input_type == "2D": computed_metric = metric_object.compute_metric(array) else: logging.error( "The metric input type: %s is not implemented", metric_object.input_type, ) raise ValueError for idx_vec, _ in enumerate(computed_metric[0]): computed_metric[0][idx_vec] = round( float(computed_metric[0][idx_vec]), 5 ) computed_metric[1][idx_vec] = round( float(computed_metric[1][idx_vec]), 5 ) metric_results[metric_name] = ( computed_metric[0], computed_metric[1], ) elif metric_object.type == "vector" and np.all( np.round(array, decimals=6) == 0 ): logging.warning( "%s is not computed because reference and " "second DEMs are the same", metric_name, ) elif metric_object.type == "matrix2D": metric_object.no_data_location = self.no_data_location metric_object.bounds = self.bounds computed_metric = metric_object.compute_metric(array) metric_results[metric_name] = computed_metric else: # If the input array is empty, the metric is np.nan if metric_object.type == "scalar": metric_results[metric_name] = np.nan elif metric_object.type == "vector": metric_results[metric_name] = (np.nan, np.nan) elif metric_object.type == "matrix2D": metric_results[metric_name] = None return metric_results
[docs] def save_map_img(self, map_img: np.ndarray, map_support: str): """ Save the classification layer map to file :param map_img: input data :type map_img: np.ndarray :param map_support: map support "ref" or "sec :type map_support: str :return: None """ map_dataset = create_dem( map_img,,, nodata=self.nodata, ) map_path = os.path.join( self._stats_dir, map_support + "_rectified_support_map.tif" ) save_dem(map_dataset, map_path, nodata=self.nodata)